The party spent a few days healing up and training up for their new level. Kai and Kaldric took turns using the new spell book they found attempting to learn new spells for their trip. They were also able to discern that the dagger is magical and powerfully so. 4 days later they left along with Halzar. They were led through the dwarfhold, and at one point upon entering a room each person felt a sense of vertigo upon passing through the doorway. They exited the dwarfhold to the South and continued to travel towards the North Ride, before camping for the night. Upon being questioned by the party, Halzar told them that the sense of vertigo they felt was from being transported through the mountains. It was an ancient enchantment, even by the reckoning of Dwarves.
The next day the group traveled the North Ride towards New Tilverton, a city built on the ruin of Tilverton. The city was on the crossroads of the North Ride and Moonsea Ride. Tilverton was destroyed by the forces of Thultanthar, a floating Netherese city that has since been brought down from the sky onto Myth Drannor destroying both cities. New Tilverton is a mid sized city with a burnt and patchwork stone wall. The wall is serviceable, but shows much battle wear.
During their travel they heard noises and grunting coming from ahead of them. Kai cast invisibility on herself and went ahead to see what was there. She found a group of beaten Orcs that appeared to be resting. While watching them, she caught flashes of movement from the surrounding hills. She waited for a while, and was present to see a group of 5 fighters destroy the Orcs where they were resting. Kai went back to the group and reported back. They decided to continue forward cautiously. They came across the group of fighters, and spoke with them a bit. They discovered that it was a group of 5 women, who were now plundering the Orcs. After some pleasantries and news was shared the group kept going.
Arriving at the city they were told that they were going to have to peace bond their weapons or purchase and adventuring charter. The charter cost 100 gold and Halzar paid his part of the charter. The party stayed at the only inn in town the Flagon Held High, which ran them a steep 10 gold per room.
The next day the party traveled South towards Arabel on the Moonsea Ride. This would be the next major city they would come to on their trip to the Far Reaches. During the first day out Halzar recommended purchasing horses in Arabel to make the traveling quicker. Arabel was known for exporting horses, so there should be plenty to purchase and they should be good quality.
Their first night, Kai was again visited by the man in black. He again asked if there was anything he could do to help Kai, and she did not ask for anything. She asked him about the dagger she took from the dead wizard and he asked to see it. When she handed it to him he grabbed it, but reared back at first, the first time his facade was broken that Kai had seen. He then took it and sized it up, seeming to concentrate on it. He gave it back telling her that it was indeed magical and seemed to have been made for a purpose, but what purpose he was unable to say. The entire time that the man had the blade Kai was restless and anxious to get it back. When she told her friends about the incident, she found that she was not willing to part with the dagger, but was unable to say why or to tell her friends this.
The third day of travel they ran across a lone old man that was shambling up the road towards them. When they met, they noticed that he was robed as a wizard. When they came to each other the man seemed to look them up and down. He said, “Ahhh, The Dwarf, The Hunter, The Tactician, and The Sneak. But where is The Elf? I thought she would be with you. Did something happen to her?” The party questioned him, and discovered that whatever group of 5 he seemed to be searching for was foretold to destroy some evil. He eventually went on his way, and the party watched him travel out of site, not sure what to think of what to think of the encounter.
They came to Arabel and decided to look for horses. After searching they were able to find horses. They procured 4 horses to use at a price of 75 gold each. Their names are Snowsilver, Blaze, Cascade, and Onyx. They were able to get a room for the night in Arabel at the High Moon Inn.
DM Recap
The session started out well. The group appeared to take the travel in stride, and while they did not fight the Orcs that was their choice, not mine. As the night wore on it became apparent to me that they would play out past my prep and that became true. This led to the session ending on a bit of a sour note because it was not my best work as a DM, nor was probably fun to play. I will strive to do better than this going forward.
I should also state here that the "prophecy" that the old man told the party about is something I treat in the same way that the Harry Potter universe treats prophecies. That is to say that just because the group appeared to consist of the right party members does NOT mean that they are. Their actions will dictate where or not the prophecy is about them.
I should also state here that the "prophecy" that the old man told the party about is something I treat in the same way that the Harry Potter universe treats prophecies. That is to say that just because the group appeared to consist of the right party members does NOT mean that they are. Their actions will dictate where or not the prophecy is about them.
Loot and XP
There was no loot or XP gained in this session.
There was no loot or XP gained in this session.